These tracks sum up 2016 pretty much. A55hol3s, dicks, jerks, bastards and egoistic criminals started ruling the world. Such a shame. Frustrated people would send their enemies glitter, we send them 2016-a-like tracks.
A Virtual Friend deliver five danceable tracks from electro, disco to house all over to edm with just one message:
You are just an A55hol3, you are just a dick.
Tweet it to your enemies. Now. Let them know you don’t agree with their views. Let them know their concepts are far away from what you think is a sustainable developement. And don’t forget to add a cute dolphin, they don’t deserve better.
I swear to god I will hurt you. It’s time to pay for all your crimes.
Bad times are good times for culture. Let them know, we’re here (to dance peacefully) and we don’t agree. Such a shame.
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